

Ship agent

中国福州外轮代理有限公司做为福州地区成立最早的国际船舶公共代理企业, 五十多年来在船代业务方面积累了丰富的经验, 与国际上数千家航运企业和经贸企业建立起了密切的业务往来和相互合作的友好关系。

随着国际航运业的不断集装箱化,集装箱班轮代理目前已成为我司船代业务的核心部分。 我司已与国际上绝大多数的班轮公司建立了密切的代理关系和业务往来,本着“专家型代理 人性化服务”的服务理念,为他们提供包括:代办订舱、制作舱单、安排船舶的进

出港和靠泊作业、 代收海运费、签发提单、进口放货、集装箱管理、仓储、拖车、 物流及货物进出口报关等在内一系列涉及到集装箱进出口的服务项目。 目前我司每月代理的马尾和江阴港区的各种航线的集装箱班轮船舶达到了三十个航次以上。

中国福州外轮代理有限公司长期以来一直致力于船代和物流的电子化建设, 将本着“以客户为中心”的服务理念不断推出和完善各项在线业务应用, 向客户提供安全、稳定、快捷、实时和高效的电子商务服务。



Freight agent

福州外代国际货运代理有限公司成立于1998年,是中国福州外轮代理有限公司全资子公司,注册资金五佰万,是国家经贸部批准的一级货代企业,1997年通过英国标准 局认证的ISO9001质量体系,2002年首批获得交通部授予的“NVOCC”资格证书。公司与EVERGREEN、MAERSK、COSCO、HYUNDAI、ZIM、WANHAI、OOCL、APL、PIL、PAN OCEAN、 KMTC、MSC、HAPAG-LIOYD等多家知名船公司建立了长年协作关系,价格颇具市场竞争力。同时公司在日本、韩国、、欧洲、美洲建立了代理网络。

公司拥有一支经验丰富、操作熟练的专业团队,本着“以诚为先,共同发展”的经营理念,加上自己的堆场、拖车、报关行,能够为客户提供包括整柜拼箱在内的门到门运输“一条龙”服务。 我们热忱希望与国内外客户携手合作,共创美好的未来。


Storage and transportation

福州保税区外代仓储贸易有限公司、福州外代储运有限公司、福清外代全顺物流有限公司系福州外轮代理公司下属子公司。 从事集装箱堆存、检验、修理、拖运、场内装箱、冷藏箱PTI等一系列服务。公司目前拥有完善的基础设施, 以及先进的机械设备,为公司业务发展提供了有力的保障。


福州外代仓储贸易有限公司、福州外代储运公司位于福州保税区内,离福州青洲集装箱码头仅1千米, 离罗长高速公路入口3千米。

仓 库:6000平方米(在建)   
KALMAR正面吊 2 台 FZNTUZZI 堆高机2台   
BOSS 堆高机 1台   
OM/TCM 3T叉车4台 杭叉8T一台
长远的发展:除目前以福州保税区堆场作为服务重点处,为适应福州港重心向福清江阴港的转移, 在江阴港物流园区投资开展物流业务。

中国福州外轮代理有限公司下属福清外代全顺物流有限公司作为福州江阴新港港区的后方陆域配套设施, 距码头前沿仅有3.3公里,紧邻疏港大道,占地112.88亩,具备货物运输、仓储、装卸、集装箱堆存、 拼拆、维修等全方位服务功能,为江阴周边经济腹地的发展提供优质服务。


Customs declaration


福州外代报关有限公司系中国福州外轮代理有限公司出资创办的具有独立法人资格的专业报关行, 主要为福州市行政区域内各口岸的进出口货物提供报关、报检及相关专业代理服务。

福州外代报关有限公司直接隶属于中国福州外轮代理有限公司,在外代系统的大力支持下, 公司全力为客户提供“一条龙”服务,特别在大宗散货、集装箱进出口报关、报检方面有着丰富的经验, 并凭借优质的服务、精良的团队、良好的通关关系,秉承客户为尊、诚信为上、规范经营之理念, 努力打造核心竞争力。

福州外代报关有限公司现有从业人员35人,大多为大专以上学历,并具有多年的报关报检工作经验, 其中专职持证报关、报检人员达二十五人。公司位于五四路环球广场12层,交通便利,周围商圈大, 目前已与口岸查验部门实现了全方位的电脑联网,可为客户提供全面的电脑查阅、跟踪报关报检过程, 通关速度快。



福州外代报关有限公司系中国福州外轮代理有限公司出资创办的具有独立法人资格的专业报关行, 主要为福州市行政区域内各口岸的进出口货物提供报关、报检及相关专业代理服务。

福州外代报关有限公司直接隶属于中国福州外轮代理有限公司,在外代系统的大力支持下,公司全力为客户提供“一条龙”服务, 特别在大宗散货、集装箱进出口报关、报检方面有着丰富的经验,并凭借优质的服务、精良的团队、良好的通关关系, 秉承客户为尊、诚信为上、规范经营之理念,努力打造核心竞争力。



Value-added service



港 口 规 定 (闽江口内港区及罗源港区)

  1. 船舶到港前需要提供的基本单证
    a. 国籍证书
    b. 国际吨位证书
    c. 国际船舶保安证书
    d. 免于卫控证书
    e. 船员名单
    f. 两周挂靠港口情况
    g. 航海健康申报单
  2. 福州港办理手续所需基本单证
    a. 船员名单:       7份
    b. 船员物品申报单: 5份
    c. 船用物品申报单: 5份
    d. 船舶概况单:     1份
    e. 航海健康申报书: 2份
    f. 离港证:         1份
    g. 吨税执照:       1份(复印件)
    h. 所有船舶证书,船员本国证书,船员船籍国证书
  3. 注意事项
    a. 海事局方面:为提高船舶航行的安全性,海事局对每艘船舶每航次进出福州港,都要求提交船舶证书原件和全体船员的适任证书(包括船旗国政府签注适任证书)查验。另外,如果船舶申请排放污油水,污水,油漆及明火作业等需通过代理向海事部门申请并安排有资质单位处理,避免受到不必要的处罚。
    b. 边防方面:船舶入境联检手续未办妥之前,船员和相关人员禁止上下船。代理办理好手续会立即通知船方可以上下人员。大部分船舶抵港前我司会办理好入境预报手续,如得到许可,预报通过的船舶可以靠泊后立即装卸货物、上下作业人员(不含船员)。船舶在港期间请安排梯口值班,认真做好上下人员登记,外籍船舶登轮人员必须持有效登轮证。船舶在港如有船员更换,请通知船员到我司船务部办理相关手续。船舶在港如有船员海员证更换,请将新、旧证件交代理办理更换手续。出境检查,大部分出境检查手续由代理岸上办理,如船舶下一港为日本或韩国,出境手续将在船上现场办理,边检检查员会协同武警战士对船体进行检查,请贵轮船员大力支持和配合。出境检查完毕,不能再装卸货物和上下人员。
    c. 检疫方面:船舶在检疫锚地引水登轮后,应立即悬挂上检疫黄旗,在入境检验检疫手续办妥后,收到检验检疫局通知才可以降下检疫黄旗。除船舶首次来港或船舶从疫区来我港,一般入境检疫手续岸上代理办理。任何动植物产品禁止带上岸。在期间正常工作时间,我们可以替船方申请免于卫控证书更新,请事先预约。除特殊情况,全部出港检疫手续岸上办理。
    d. 海关方面:按海关规定,船舶必须办好进港手续后才能进行作业。一般我们会积极同海关协调,取得支持,请等待代理通知后才进行作业。船舶在港期间可申请吨税执照(30天或90天),请准备好国籍证书、国际吨位证书复印件。中国台湾助航服务费缴纳证明书可以替代大陆吨税执照。船舶在港可以申请免税品供应(烟、酒),由中免申请,海关批准。
  1.  Documents required before vessel’s arrival.
    a. Registry Certificate
    b. International Tonnage Certificate
    c. International Ship Security Certificate
    d. Deratting Exemption Certificate
    e. Arrival crew list
    f. Port of call
    g. Maritime Declaration of Health
  2.  Documents Required for entry formalities.
    a. Crew List:                      7 copies
    b. Crew’s Effects Declaration:    5 copies
    c. Ship’s Store Declaration:      5 copies
    d. Report on Ship’s Particulars:  1 copy
    e. Maritime Declaration of Health: 2 copies
    f. Last Port Clearance:            1 copy
    g. Chinese Tonnage Dues Certificate or Taiwan Navigation Aids Charges Payment Certificate 1 copy
    h. All ship’s certificates, crew national license and endorsement
  3. Other Importance Notice
    a. Fuzhou MSA: In order to improve ship’s safety navigation, Fuzhou MSA requires that all ships shall present original ship’s certificates and crew competence licenses (including flag endorsement certificates) for inspection. If our ship needs to dispose oil sludge, bilge water, painting and hot work, please inform us in advance so that we can apply to Fuzhou MSA for permit and arrange qualified units in order to avoid any punishment.
    b. Immigration: Crew or relevant persons are not allowed to embark or disembark vessel before completion of entry formalities. When free pratique is granted, we will notify you immediately. Before vessel arrival Fuzhou Port, we will get preliminary entry declaration done in advance. If permitted, the vessel can perform loading and unloading immediately after berthing and stevedore workers can go on board, but crew can go shore only after arrival formalities completed. Please arrange ladder side crew on duty during the stay, and strictly carry out registration of members landing and boarding. Whoever wants to board foreign vessels must possess valid boarding permit. If there is any change of crew, please inform the crew to go to our shipping department for proceeding embarkation formalities. As for the renewal of seaman book, please bring both expired and new seaman book to our office for immigration renewal formalities. Normally departure formalities are carried out ashore by agent. If next port is port of Japan or Korea, departure formalities will be performed on board. The Frontier Inspection Officer together with soldiers will come on board and check your vessel. Please cooperate in this matter. It is not permitted for whoever landing or boarding after complete of departure inspection, same to cargo operation.
    c. Quarantine: Vessel should hoist yellow flag before or after pilot boarding when arrival quarantine anchorage. Yellow flag can be lowered only after free pratique. Most of the arrival quarantine formalities are arranged ashore, except vessels first calling Fuzhou Port or the last port is epidemic-stricken area. Any plant or animal products are not allowed to be brought ashore. In normal working days, we can arrange renewal of deratting exemption certificate or sanitary certificate for your vessel, but you are kindly required to inform us before arrival. All departure quarantine formalities are performed ashore except special situation.
    d. Customs: According to Customs’ Regulation, vessel can commence cargo operation only after complete of Customs arrival declaration. Normally, we will try our best to coordinate with Customs for vessel’s cargo operation when alongside. If you intend to apply for Tonnage Dues Certificate (valid for 90 days/30days) during there stay at Fuzhou Port, please prepare copy of Registry Certificate and International Tonnage Certificate. Valid Taiwan Navigation Aid Charges Payment Certificate can also be used. In addition, vessel can apply for supply of bonded store through Fuzhou duty-free Merchandise Co., Ltd. approved by Customs.
港 口 规 定 (江阴港区及松下港区)

  1. 船舶到港前需要提供的基本单证
    a. 国籍证书
    b. 国际吨位证书
    c. 国际船舶保安证书
    d. 保安员证书
    e. 船舶安全构造证书
    f. 船舶安全设备证书
    g. 船舶安全无线电证书
    h. 安全管理证书
    i. 载重线证书
    j. 最低配员证书
    k. 国际防油污证书
    l. 公司符合证明
    m. 危险品适装证书(如有)
    n. 免于卫控证书
    o. 船东互保协会入会证明
    p. 船员名单
    q. 两周挂靠港口情况
    r. 航海健康申报单
    s. 最近的港口国检查报告
    t. 船舶规范
    u. 船舶概况申报单
  2. 福州港办理手续所需基本单证
    a. 船员名单(护照号):     7份
    b. 船员名单(适任证书号): 1份
    c. 船员物品申报单:         6份
    d. 船用物品申报单:         6份
    e. 离港证:                 1份
    f. 吨税执照:               1份(复印件)
    g. 压载水申报单:           2份
    h. 所有船舶证书,船员本国证书,船员船籍国证书
  3. 3、注意事项
    a. 海事局方面:海福清海事局对首次到福州港的船舶,需要查验船舶证书原件和船员的适任证书。另外,如果船舶申请排放污油水,污水,油漆及明火作业等需通过代理向海事部门申请并安排有资质单位处理,避免受到不必要的处罚。
    b. 边防方面:船舶入境联检手续未办妥之前,船员和相关人员禁止上下船。代理办理好手续会立即通知船方可以上下人员。大部分船舶抵港前我司会办理好入境预报手续,如得到许可,预报通过的船舶可以靠泊后立即装卸货物、上下作业人员(不含船员)。船舶在港期间请安排梯口值班,认真做好上下人员登记,外籍船舶登轮人员必须持有效登轮证。船舶在港如有船员更换,请通知船员联系我司办理相关手续。船舶在港如有船员海员证更换,请将新、旧证件交代理办理更换手续。出境检查,大部分出境检查手续由代理岸上办理,但边防检查员也可能登轮核对人员及名单。
    c. 检疫方面:船舶在检疫锚地引水登轮后,应立即悬挂上检疫黄旗,在入境检验检疫手续办妥后,收到检验检疫局通知才可以降下检疫黄旗。除船舶首次来港或船舶从疫区来我港,一般入境检疫手续岸上代理办理。任何动植物产品禁止带上岸。在期间正常工作时间,我们可以替船方申请免于卫控证书更新,请事先预约。除特殊情况,全部出港检疫手续岸上办理。
    d. 海关方面:按海关规定,船舶必须办好进港手续后才能进行作业。一般我们会积极同海关协调,取得支持,请等待代理通知后才进行作业。船舶在港期间可申请吨税执照(30天或90天),请准备好国籍证书、国际吨位证书复印件。中国台湾助航服务费缴纳证明书可以替代大陆吨税执照。
  1.  Documents required before vessel’s arrival.
    a. Arrival Crew list
    b. Registry Certificate
    c. International Tonnage Certificate
    d. Cargo ship safety construction certificate
    e. Cargo ship safety equipment certificate
    f. Cargo ship radio certificate
    g. Document of compliance for carrying Dangerous goods (wz form B)
    h. Safety management certificate
    i. Document of compliance
    j. Load line certificate
    k. P & I certificate
    l. I.O.P.P. certificate
    m. Minimum safe manning
    n. Report on ship's particulars
    o. International Ship Security Certificate.
    p. Security Officer License
    q. Ship’s Particulars
    r. Last PSC report
    s. Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate
    t. Port of call
    u. Maritime Declaration of Health
  2.  Documents Required for entry formalities.
    a. Crew List (wz passport No.): 7 copies
    b. Crew List (wz license No.):  1 copy
    c. Crew’s Effects Declaration: 6 copies
    d. Ship’s Store Declaration:   6 copies
    e. Last Port Clearance:         1 copy
    f. Tonnage Dues Certificate:    1 copy
    g. Ballast Water Declaration:   2 copy
    h. All ship’s certificates, crew national license and endorsement
  3.  Other Importance Notice
    a. MSA: Fuqing MSA requires that first calling ship shall present original ship’s certificates and crew competence licenses for inspection. If our ship needs to dispose oil sludge, bilge water, painting and hot work, please inform us in advance so that we can apply to Fuzhou MSA for permit and arrange qualified units in order to avoid any punishment.
    b. Immigration: Crew or relevant persons are not allowed to embark or disembark vessel before completion of entry formalities. When free pratique is granted, we will notify you immediately. Before vessel arrival Fuzhou Port, we will get preliminary entry declaration done in advance. If permitted, the vessel can perform loading and unloading immediately after berthing and stevedore workers can go on board, but crew can go shore only after arrival formalities completed. Please arrange ladder side crew on duty during the stay, and strictly carry out registration of members landing and boarding. Whoever wants to board foreign vessels must possess valid boarding permit. If there is any change of crew, please inform the crew to go to our shipping department for proceeding embarkation formalities. As for the renewal of seaman book, please bring both expired and new seaman book to our office for immigration renewal formalities. Normally departure formalities are carried out ashore by agent, however sometimes Frontier Inspection Officers may come on board for inspection before ship’s departure.
    c. Quarantine: Vessel should hoist yellow flag before or after pilot boarding when arrival quarantine anchorage. Yellow flag can be lowered only after free pratique. Most of the arrival quarantine formalities are arranged ashore, except vessels first calling Fuzhou Port or the last port is epidemic-stricken area. Any plant or animal products are not allowed to be brought ashore. In normal working days, we can arrange renewal of sanitation control exemption certificate for your vessel, but you are kindly required to inform us before arrival. All departure quarantine formalities are performed ashore except special situation.
    d. Customs: According to Customs’ Regulation, vessel can commence cargo operation only after complete of Customs arrival declaration. Normally, we will try our best to coordinate with Customs for vessel’s cargo operation when alongside. If you intend to apply for Tonnage Dues Certificate (valid for 90 days/30days) during there stay at Fuzhou Port, please prepare copy of Registry Certificate and International Tonnage Certificate. Valid Taiwan Navigation Aid Charges Payment Certificate can also be used.
附 件



China Ocean Shipping Agency Fuzhou (Penavico Fuzhou)
Add: 12F, Worldwide Plaza, No.158, Wusi Road, Fuzhou, 350003 P.R.China
Telex: (051) 94074845 PNFZ G
Website: www.penavicofz.com.cn
Shpg Dept:
Tel: +86-591-83687070 (24 hours on duty)
Fax: +86-591-83683354
E-mail: operation@penavicofz.com.cn
Deputy Mngr: Mr.Cao Xianming
E-mail: caoxm@penavicofz.com
Manager: Mr.Zhu Guangming
E-mail: zhugm@penavicofz.com.cn